Artifacts from a South Nanaimo Vacant Lot
Posted by Gerry Thomasen on
I'm a metal detectorist, which means I look for metal objects of value or interest in the dirt, up to 10 inches deep.
There's this vacant lot in an historic part of South Nanaimo, where these houses were torn down sometime around 2015:
In the winter of 2015/2016, I found some cool stuff in the vacant lot, using my metal detector. Here are some of the most interesting things I found:
1862 penny from England
This baby isn't in good shape, so it has no monetary value. But it's SO cool to try to imagine who dropped this coin, and when, and under what circumstances. By the way, the figure shows Britannia seated and holding a trident - very appropriate for the time!
1900 US Indian Head penny
I love these coins, for some reason. I think…
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