The Foothills (Lantzville) - Touring Begins
Posted by Gerry Thomasen on
If you live in the mid-Island and haven't heard of The Lantzville Foothills, it means three things:
- You haven't been hiking enough
- You're not following local politics
- You're not planning your dream home overlooking a phenomenal view
The hiker should know this place as a beautiful system of arbutus groves and mossy lookouts.
If you followed local matters, you'd know that this development (which started and failed under different ownership during the Great Recession) has been a hot-button topic for Lantzville residents and local politics.
And anyone with the capital to build a luxurious home - with the desire to spend a little more on the SITE in order to secure a priceless view - would certainly have heard about The Lantzville…
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