May 2017 Nanaimo Real Estate Market Update
Posted by Gerry Thomasen on
Most people have heard about the "crazy real estate market" we're seeing in 2017. But do you what KIND of crazy we're seeing? Here's a brief explanation - first in word form, then with some numbers, and finally some charts.
There's a lot of demand. Like, a LOT. The BC economy is great, the Island is very desirable, Vancouver's prices are pushing people out to the fringes, transportation across the pond is improving, and foreign nationals want a piece of it all. But supply can't keep up!
Inventory levels hit a historic low in December, and the trend continues. It's a seller's market (in the extreme); if a listing is appropriately priced, it is likely to sell within a few DAYS, often with bidding wars driving the price higher than expected.
What is the effect…
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