The City of Nanaimo has approved a development for 77 Chapel St, the site currently occupied by a parking garage behind the Nanaimo courthouse. There will be 3 buildings; one will be an apartment building that is rented out, and there will be two separate condo/townhome buildings connected by a breezeway, echoing somewhat the atrium style of the 91 Chapel building built next door a couple years ago.

  • Underground parking
  • 154 units total
  • 6 storeys each, plus parking levels

A few years ago, there was a development called "Marcielo" that was approved for this location; the developer even had their building permits from the City. I'm not sure what happened to that project.

I'll be watching for updates about this development, especially for pre-sales. Contact me if you want to be on my list of people to update!

Posted by Gerry Thomasen on
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