50 Mill St, Nanaimo

Area: Millstone River Estuary (Old City)
(⇓ MAP)

Strata ID: VIS 6867

Year(s) built: 2009-2010

Types of Units: 3-storey rowhome complex w/ gated courtyard and garages

⇓ See below for current listings at Rimini

  1. Icon showing a cat and a dog

    Pet Policy

    1 dog or cat

  2. Icon showing two people of advanced age

    Age Restrictions


  3. Icon depicting a car to indicate parking



Rooms per Unit: 2-3 beds, 3-4 baths
Sizes of Units: 1259-1828 sqft
Number of Units: 13

Number of Buildings: 2
Km to bus: 250 m (Comox Rd)
Elevator?: No

Natural Gas?: No
Sale Price Range: Insufficient recent data
#Units sold during 2018-2022: 3

Rimini condos NanaimoThis secure, gated Euro-style building features 19 townhomes in a desirable location on the Millstream estuary near the Harbourfront Walkway and Maffeo Sutton Park. There are 2- and 3-bedroom units available, ranging in size from 1300-1800sqft.

This area has a lot of development planned for the near future, which makes sense because it's right on the edge of downtown and is not currently at its best and highest use.

Important: The data on this page was researched in the summer/fall of 2023 and the information is relevant as such. Efforts will be made to update the data over time.

Location of Rimini

Rimini Condo Units for Sale

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