Strata-Titled Manufactured Home Parks in the Mid-Island

In the case of MOST manufactured home parks, you don't own your lot - you rent it from the owner of the park and pay a "pad fee" each month. Such parks are regulated under BC's Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act.

However, there are a handful of STRATA mobile home parks in the Mid-Island. These parks are set up as bare-land stratas, which means you have freehold ownership of your own lot, and a shared interest in any communal assets. There are bylaws governing these stratas, usually very similar to what you'd expect in a "regular" MHP.

The cost for entry into these strata parks is usually higher than the cost for an identical home in a pad-rental park. However, you have much more control over your own destiny, since there is not a landlord who can evict you.

See below for all listings in strata-titled manufactured home parks from Duncan to Qualicum!

Strata-titled Mobile Home Parks in the Mid-Island

List of Strata Mobile Home Parks around Nanaimo, Duncan and Oceanside

Here are the 6 parks I know about, which are used to populate the list of current properties (if any) shown above:

Bayview Village, Lake Cowichan (Blackwood Heights and Paddleduck Ln addresses)
Resort on the Lake, Nanaimo - Henderson Lake Way, Elsie Lake Circle, Buttle Lake Way, Woss Lake Way, Nimpkish Lake Way, 2323 Arbot Rd
Aurora MHP, Parksville - 129 Meridian Way
Parkstone Place, Errington - 2100 Errington Rd
Pinewood Village, Errington - 2130 Errington Rd
Melrose Rd, Whiskey Creek