Building Addresses: 580 Stewart Ave & 27-39 Cypress St

See below for current listings at Edgewater

General Information

Types of Units: Apartments & Rowhouses

Year(s) built: 2005-2008

No. of Buildings: 3

No. of Units: 30+

Rooms per Unit: 1-3 beds, 1-3 baths

Sizes of Units: 1140-1715 sqft

Km to bus: 100 m (Stewart Ave)


Natural Gas?: No

Sale Price Range: Inconsistent

Strata ID: VIS 6430

  1. Icon showing a dog and cat house

    Pet Policy

    1 cat or dog to 22 lbs

  2. Icon showing people of different ages

    Age Restrictions


  3. Icon showing a parking spot sign


    Secure underground

Additional Notes: These three buildings form a single strata; two rowhome buildings front the harbourfront walkway, and the third building is above them, adjacent to Stewart Avenue. The buildings have bike/kayak storage and some of the best access to the walkway which leads directly into downtown.

Important: The data on this page was researched in the summer/fall of 2023 and the information is relevant as such. Efforts will be made to update the data over time.

Location of Edgewater

Current Listings at Edgewater

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If any of the units are for sale on MLS, they should show above. But in order to isolate just this strata, I was forced to draw a polygon on a map - which is fine as long as every agent uploads their MLS listing into the right MAP location in our system. If a listing is missing, here, it might indicate the listing was uploaded incorrectly, or is a FSBO listing (they often don't share to websites like this one). Feel free to ask me to create a proper alert for you, in the actual MLS system - it's better than my site's search.

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