Addresses are 5900-5997 Kaden Place, Nanaimo
Types of Units: Patio homes and fourplex townhomes
⇓ See below for current listings at Kaden Place
Pet Policy
1 cat or dog under 20 lbs/14"
Age Restrictions
Garages, open
Important: The data on this page was researched in the summer/fall of 2023 and the information is relevant as such. Efforts will be made to update the data over time.
Location of Kaden Place
Current Listings in Kaden Place
If any of the units are for sale on MLS, they should show above. But in order to isolate just this strata, I was forced to draw a polygon on a map - which is fine as long as every agent uploads their MLS listing into the right MAP location in our system. If a listing is missing, here, it might indicate the listing was uploaded incorrectly, or is a FSBO listing (they often don't share to websites like this one). Feel free to ask me to create a proper alert for you, in the actual MLS system - it's better than my site's search.