Addresses: Between 5620 and 5685 Edgewater Lane, Nanaimo

See below for current listings at Longwood Estates

General Information

Type: Condo apartments

Year built: 1996-2010

No. of Buildings: 6

No. of Units: 306

Rooms per Unit: 1-3 beds, 1-3 baths

Sizes of Units: 572-1827 sqft

Distance to bus: Adjacent (Uplands Dr)

Elevators?: Yes

Natural Gas?: Some

Sale Price Range: $400s-$600s (to 2023)

Strata ID: VIS 4288, 4999

  1. Icon showing a dog and cat house

    Pet Policy

    1 dog or cat to 10kg

  2. Icon showing people of different ages

    Age Restrictions


  3. Icon showing a parking spot sign


    Secure Underground

Additional Notes: The buildings' addresses are all on Edgewater Lane: 5620 Edgewater Lane (Carisbrook building); 5625 (Stonecroft), 5650 (Ambleside), 5660 (Mayfield), 5670 (Thornbridge), 5685 (Coniston).

Rentable clubhouse with kitchen, gym, etc. Impressive landscaping including ponds and shady gardens and paved pathways (your monthly fees are higher to pay for all this). Some buildings have common meeting spaces, small libraries, etc. Many units have storage.

There are technically two separate stratas, with Stonecroft and Coniston comprising strata VIS 4999 while the other four buildings are strata VIS 4288.

Important: The data on this page was researched in the summer/fall of 2023 and the information is relevant as such. Efforts will be made to update the data over time.

Location of Longwood Estates

Current Listings at Longwood Estates

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