Address: 645 Selby St

See below for current listings at Nob Hill Acropolis

General Information

Type: 4-storey apartment bldg

Year built: 1995-1998

No. of Buildings: 1

No. of Units: 33

Rooms per Unit: 2 beds, 1 bath

Sizes of Units: 720-774 sqft

Distance to bus: 300 m (Albert St)

Elevators?: Yes

Natural Gas?: No

Sale Price Range: Insufficient recent data

Strata ID: VIS 3798

  1. Icon showing a dog and cat house

    Pet Policy

    No pets

  2. Icon showing people of different ages

    Age Restrictions


  3. Icon showing a parking spot sign



Additional Notes: This 4-storey, 33-unit condominium is just up the hill from downtown, near the historic and pretty Nob Hill Park. Some of the upper floors have ocean views, and a little cupola is accessible at the top of the building to allow people to look out at the views of the harbour. The main foyer is pretty grand, with a dramatic staircase and embossed wallpaper.

The building appears to have been designed by, or owned by, someone fascinated with classic antiquity; behind the building is a little garden area, a tribute to ancient empires and their architecture and statuary.

Important: The data on this page was researched in the summer/fall of 2023 and the information is relevant as such. Efforts will be made to update the data over time.

Acropolis Location

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