6165-6189 Strathcona Pl, Nanaimo

Area: Northridge (North Nanaimo)
(⇓ MAP)

Strata ID: VIS 6123

Year(s) built: 2006-2016

Types of Units: Multi-storey detached townhomes

⇓ See below for current listings at Strathcona Heights (detached)

  1. Icon showing a cat and a dog

    Pet Policy

    No pet restrictions

  2. Icon showing two people of advanced age

    Age Restrictions


  3. Icon depicting a car to indicate parking


    Double garages

Rooms per Unit: 3-4 beds, 3 baths
Sizes of Units: 1778-2626 sqft
Number of Units: 10

Number of Buildings: 10
Km to bus: 400 m (Uplands Dr)
Elevator?: No

Natural Gas?: Yes
Sale Price Range: Insufficient recent data
#Units sold during 2018-2022: 8

Additional Notes: There are three separate stratas adjacent to each other; at least two are consistently called Strathcona Heights and one is known as Strathcona Ridge; however, at times all three have been called "Strathcona Ridge". The one detailed on this page is lower down, on Strathcona Place. The other Strathcona Heights (fourplexes) is on Washington Way, above. In between are the duplex units called Strathcona Ridge.

The listings shown below SHOULD be restricted to just units in the lower (detached) units on Strathcona Place. However, a polygon was used to dictate which buildings should be included, which means that if a real estate agent didn't ensure their listing was MAPPED correctly, then the results below might be inaccurate. Contact me if you'd like me to create a proper alert for you.

Important: The data on this page was researched in the summer/fall of 2023 and the information is relevant as such. Efforts will be made to update the data over time.

Location of Strathcona Heights (Detached)

Detached Homes for Sale at Strathcona Heights

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