Addresses: Arlin Pl & Washington Way

See below for current listings at Strathcona Ridge

General Information

Type: 1-3 storey duplexes

Year built: 2008-2016

No. of Buildings: 18

No. of Units: 36

Rooms per Unit: 2-4 beds, 2-4 baths

Sizes of Units: 1510-2528 sqft

Distance to bus: 300 m (Uplands Dr)

Elevators?: No

Natural Gas?: Yes

Sale Price Range: $600s-$900s (to 2023)

Strata ID: VIS 6326

  1. Icon showing a dog and cat house

    Pet Policy

    1 dog or cat

  2. Icon showing people of different ages

    Age Restrictions


  3. Icon showing a parking spot sign


    Double Garages

Additional Notes: There are three separate stratas adjacent to each other. This one is in the middle and appears to be consistently referred to as Strathcona Ridge; however, there have been times that the other two (usually BOTH called Strathcona Heights even though they are separate stratas and not even connected to each other) have also been referred to as "Strathcona Ridge". Here are links to those other two:

For all three pages, a polygon has been used to dictate which MLS listings should appear on which page. But if any listing has been incorrectly MAPPED when it was uploaded to MLS, then the listings shown on these pages could be inaccurate. Contact me if you'd like me to create a proper alert with accurate results for you.

Important: The data on this page was researched in the summer/fall of 2023 and the information is relevant as such. Efforts will be made to update the data over time.

Location of Strathcona Ridge

Units for Sale at Strathcona Ridge

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